I would imagine the person who is satisfied with what they have and is not being harassed by anyone might have peace of mind. I would imagine that person is more likely wealthy than poor.
Many people are searching right now. Some people are searching for a job, financial stability, or a way forward amidst economic turmoil. Others are searching for meaning, wondering if anything in life really matters, or even if they matter.
But the most common reason of stress is modernization. World is moving faster than a man can move. A can just not stop elsewhere and have some rest. This World makes the make work like a donkey with no peace of mind.
The Secret of peace of mind lies in a man himself if he is just but himself. I mean if you leave this world where ever you are leaving in stress, just go away somewhere alone where its calmness and you every where then surely you will have a peace of mind even if you have done something terribly wrong. Bieng alone, Thinking about yourself makes you calm and wise.
There are some Tips by which one can have a peace of mind:
There are some Tips by which one can have a peace of mind:
- Do something else in which you do not your mind much but you indulge yourself in it. Like painting, watering the garden, bicycling and ironing.
- Go to some peaceful natural sites. Like a lonely beach, a lonely peak, or a graveyard.
- Try to sleep as much as much as you can but do not let your sleep disturb your timetable because it makes you make upset.
- Try to help the needy ones. It is the best way to get rids of troubles in your mind.
- Use that time for you and get curious about your mind and experience just as it is. Look into your experience and just watch the goings on between your ears and in your heart. There is nothing to do, no state to achieve. Just practice being exactly where you are just as you are.
- Keep away from noisy and gossipy people. Like your wife.
- Remember the Good days. Of course you have lived your some good moments in your life. Remember them. These are the ultimate source of happiness. Even a dying man smiles because of the memories of his good days.
- Break your routine - Day after day, can be monotonous and depressing. It often leads to getting caught in a rut. To get out of it you need to temporarily change your routine. If you can, take a day off from work. Do something you don’t normally have time for or something you’ve never tried. In the long run, taking a day off every now and then to get out of slump will make you happier and more productive.
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